Ryan Trahan
Director of Business Development
Add to Contacts Schedule A Call Get To Know UsResume: Brings more than two decades of experience in corporate, non-profit and small business marketing, sales, and operations. Winner of “The Big Guppy” award, a.k.a. an official acknowledgement of her grace under pressure.
Hidden Talent: A green thumb. Started growing veggies years ago and never looked back.
Mantra: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
In Another Life: She’d be a back-up dancer for Tina Turner. The girl’s got mad moves and energy (and the fitness instructor chops to prove it).
Dream Client: Anyone who’s passionate about their business and dedicated to growing it.
Irreplaceable Because: Her friendly professionalism means you want her on your team the second you meet her, her unbeatable attitude and ideas mean you’ll keep her there forever.